Source code for django_auto_healthchecks.healthchecks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
from django.conf.urls import url as django_url
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.conf import settings
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import base64
import django.urls.exceptions
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import requests


    'API_KEY': None,
    'HTTPS': False,
    'TAGS': [],

[docs]class HealthcheckError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class Healthcheck(object): def __init__(self, route=None, args=None, kwargs=None, current_app=None, name=None, code=None, method='GET', querystring=None, body=None, headers=None, cookies=None, assertions=None, tags=None, note=None, interval_seconds=None, timeout_seconds=None): """ Define a healthcheck using a django url route that will be put to the Cronitor API route (str): Name of a url route. If omitted, must be set before resolve(). args (list|tuple): Optional args to be passed to `reverse()` this route. Cannot be used with `kwargs`. kwargs (dict): Optional kwargs to be passed to `reverse()` this route. Cannot be used with `args`. current_app (str): If the app is namespaced or route name is not unique the `current_app` argument is needed for `reverse()`. name (str): Optional name for this monitor. If none is provided, a name will be generated. code (str): Optional monitor code. Use this to tie to an existing healthcheck on your Cronitor dashboard method (str): Request method used when performing this healthcheck. querystring (dict): Optional querystring parameters that will be appended to the URL body (str): Request body sent when performing this healthcheck if method is PUT, POST or PATCH. headers (dict): Optional request headers that will be sent when performing this healthcheck. cookies (dict): Optional cookies that will be sent when performing this healthcheck. assertions (dict): Optional assertions for this monitor. See API docs for details. tags (list|tuple): Optional tags for this monitor. note (string): Optional note that will be attached to this monitor. interval_seconds (int): Optional interval between healthcheck tests. If omitted, a default will be used. timeout_seconds (int): Optional timeout for this request, maximum of 10 seconds. """ self.route = route self.args = args if args else () self.kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {} self.current_app = current_app = name self.code = code self.method = method.upper() self.querystring = querystring if querystring else {} self.body = body self.headers = headers self.cookies = cookies self.assertions = assertions self.tags = tags self.note = note self.interval_seconds = interval_seconds self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds # When in DEBUG mode, create monitors in Dev mode self.is_dev = settings.DEBUG # These will be defined later during resolve(): self._url = None self._defaultName = None def __str__(self): return
[docs] def name(self): """ Retrieve the effective name of this healthcheck. """ return if else self._defaultName
[docs] def resolve(self): """ Because the route cannot be reversed into a URL at the same time its defined, we delay route resolution until we are ready to submit the healthchecks to the API. """ self._url = HealthcheckUrl( path=self._reverse(), querystring=self.querystring ) self._defaultName = self._create_name() self.code = self.code if self.code else self._create_code()
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize current instance details into valid API payload :return: dict """ assert self.method in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH'), \ "Healthcheck request method must be GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS or PATCH" request = { 'url': self._url.url, 'method': self.method } if self.cookies: assert isinstance(self.cookies, dict), "Healthcheck request cookies must be a dict" request['cookies'] = self.cookies if self.headers: assert isinstance(self.headers, dict), "Healthcheck request headers must be a dict" request['headers'] = self.headers if self.timeout_seconds: assert isinstance(self.timeout_seconds, int), "Healthcheck request timeout_seconds must be an int" request['timeout_seconds'] = self.timeout_seconds if self.body: request['body'] = self.body definition = { 'type': 'healthcheck', 'code': self.code, 'defaultName': self._defaultName, 'request': request, 'dev': self.is_dev } if definition['name'] = if self.assertions: assert isinstance(self.assertions, (list, tuple, set)), \ "Healthcheck assertions must be a list, tuple or set" definition['rules'] = self.assertions if self.interval_seconds: assert isinstance(self.interval_seconds, int), \ "Healthcheck interval_seconds must be an int" definition['request_interval_seconds'] = self.interval_seconds if self.tags: assert isinstance(self.tags, (list, tuple, set)), \ "Healthcheck tags must be in a list, tuple or set" definition['tags'] = set(self.tags + _get_setting('TAGS')) elif _get_setting('TAGS'): assert isinstance(_get_setting('TAGS'), (list, tuple, set)), \ "settings.HEALTHCHECKS['TAGS'] must be a list, tuple or set" definition['tags'] = _get_setting('TAGS') if self.note: definition['note'] = self.note return definition
def _reverse(self): # First, try the route name with a namespace reverse_kwargs = {} if self.kwargs: reverse_kwargs['kwargs'] = self.kwargs elif self.args: reverse_kwargs['args'] = self.args if self.current_app: reverse_kwargs['current_app'] = self.current_app try: return reverse(self.route, **reverse_kwargs) except django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: raise HealthcheckError( 'Could not reverse route for {}. ' 'Provide a `current_app` hint in your healthcheck definition.'.format(self.route) ) def _create_name(self): """ Create a default name e.g. GET :return: str """ return '{} {}'.format( self.method, self._url.display ) def _create_code(self): """ Generate a unique identifier for this monitor that can be used to update the monitor even if the name is changed on the Cronitor dashboard. Include is_dev in the hash to differentiate between dev and prod versions of a monitor :return: str """ env = 'dev' if self.is_dev else 'prod' signature = hashlib.sha1(env.encode() + self._defaultName.encode()) hash = base64.b64encode(signature.digest()) return str(hash[:12]).replace('+', '').replace('/', '')
[docs]class HealthcheckUrl(object): url = None """ :type unicode Fully qualified URL that will be used in healthcheck """ display = None """ :type unicode Shorter, prettier version of URL for display """ def __init__(self, path, querystring): scheme = 'https://' if _get_setting('HTTPS') else 'http://' hostname = self._get_hostname() querystring = '?{}'.format(urlencode(querystring)) if querystring else '' self.url = '{}{}{}{}'.format(scheme, hostname, path, querystring) self.display = '{}{}'.format(hostname, path) def _get_hostname(self): """ Try to determine the hostname to use when making the healthcheck request :return: string :raises HealthcheckError """ # First look in settings.HEALTHCHECKS['HOSTNAME'] try: if _get_setting('HOSTNAME'): return _get_setting('HOSTNAME') except HealthcheckError: pass # Then try settings.HOSTNAME, if it exists try: if hasattr(settings, 'HOSTNAME') and len(settings.HOSTNAME): return settings.HOSTNAME except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # Finally, pop the first value from settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS try: if hasattr(settings, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS') and len(settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS): return settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS[0] except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError): pass raise HealthcheckError( 'Error: Could not determine hostname from settings.HEALTHCHECKS["HOSTNAME"], ' 'settings.HOSTNAME or settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS' )
[docs]class IdempotentHealthcheckClient(object): """ Put enqueued healthchecks to the Cronitor API. """ _queue = None """ We cannot `reverse()` a route at the same time the `url()` method is called. Queue healthchecks for later. :type list """ _messages = None """ Messages written to a `django_auto_healthchecks.healthchecks` logger :type list """ def __init__(self): self._queue = [] self._messages = []
[docs] def enqueue(self, healthcheck): """ Add a healthcheck instance to a queue for later processing. :param Healthcheck healthcheck: """ self._queue.append(healthcheck)
[docs] def drain(self): """ Drain enqueued healthchecks and return a list of Healthcheck objects :return: List[Healthcheck]""" healthchecks = {} for healthcheck in self._queue: # Routes cannot be reversed at the same time the healthcheck is defined, prepare them for use now. healthcheck.resolve() if healthcheck.code in healthchecks: self._messages.append((logging.WARN, 'Duplicate definition definition for {}, last one wins'.format( ))) healthchecks[healthcheck.code] = healthcheck self._queue = [] return healthchecks.values()
[docs] def put(self, additional_healthchecks=None): # If healthchecks have been defined in a batch and passed here, add them to the queue containing any # checks defined in file(s) map(self.enqueue, (additional_healthchecks or ())) healthchecks = self.drain() if len(healthchecks) == 0: self._messages.append( (logging.WARN, 'No healthchecks defined. See {} to get started.'.format(DOCS_URL)) ) else: try: payload = [] for healthcheck in healthchecks: try: payload.append(healthcheck.serialize()) except AssertionError as e: self._messages.append(( logging.ERROR, 'Healthcheck will not be published. Validation error: {}'.format(e) )) api_key = _get_setting('API_KEY') if api_key: try: r = requests.put(ENDPOINT_URL, json=payload, auth=(api_key, ''), timeout=5) if r.status_code != raise HealthcheckError(r.text) except Exception as e: self._messages.append(( logging.ERROR, 'Cronitor healthchecks could not be published. Request failure. Details:\n\n{}'.format(e) )) else: self._messages.append(( logging.ERROR, 'Missing Cronitor API key. Set settings.HEALTHCHECKS["API_KEY"] to publish healthchecks.' )) if settings.DEBUG: self._messages.append(( logging.INFO, 'DEV MODE: settings.DEBUG is True. Monitors will be created in Dev mode.' )) self._messages.append(( logging.DEBUG, 'PUT {}:\n{}\n\n'.format(ENDPOINT_URL, json.dumps(payload, indent=2)) )) except HealthcheckError as e: self._messages.append((logging.ERROR, str(e))) self._flush_messages_to_log()
def _flush_messages_to_log(self): """ Write messages to the `django_auto_healthchecks.healthchecks` logger """ logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [logger.log(msg[0], msg[1]) for msg in self._messages] self._messages = []
[docs]def url(regex, view, healthcheck=None, **kwargs): """ Drop-in replacement for django.conf.urls.url to create and update a Cronitor healthcheck when your app restarts. See for details. :param regex: :param view: :param healthcheck: Use True for a simple GET healthcheck. Pass a dict to define custom assertions and notifications :param kwargs: :return: """ if isinstance(healthcheck, Healthcheck): if isinstance(view, (list, tuple)): if settings.DEBUG: raise HealthcheckError('Healthchecks must be defined on individual routes') else: healthcheck.route = kwargs.get('name') Client.enqueue(healthcheck) return django_url(regex, view, **kwargs)
[docs]def put(healthchecks=()): """ Atomically create/update healthchecks with supplied list of Healthcheck instances. Use this to put healthchecks from your deploy script, or add healthchecks for third-party apps without having to modify their code. :param healthchecks: list[Healthcheck] of Healthcheck objects These healthchecks will be added to any defined in file(s). See for details. """ Client.put(healthchecks)
def _get_setting(key): """ For any given setting, look in the HEALTHCHECKS key of the django settings object and global key in settings obj. If it's not there, look for default in DEFAULTS :param key: Name of setting :return: * """ if hasattr(settings, 'HEALTHCHECKS') and key in settings.HEALTHCHECKS: return settings.HEALTHCHECKS[key] if key in DEFAULTS: return DEFAULTS[key] raise HealthcheckError('Error: Could not find setting key {}'.format(key)) Client = IdempotentHealthcheckClient()